1. South-Eastern Carpathian Grasslands with Helictotrichon decorum
Regional endemic habitat of a high conservative value. The most widespread rocky open habitat from Piatra Cetii and Cheile Tecsestilor
Romania – R3402
Natura 2000 – 6170 Alpine and Subalpine calcareous grasslands (improper classification – should be subjected to major revision)
Palearctic 1999 – 34.3512 East Carpathian Sesleria rigida grasslamds; 34.35122 Apuseni Helictotrichon grasslands
Eunis –
Emerald –
Phytotaxonomy Helictotrichetum decori Domin 1932
(coded in our releves tables as HD)
2. Daco-Getian Grasslands with Festuca pallens and Melica ciliata
Regional endemic habitat of a high conservative value.
Most of the West Balkan – Dacian calciphile saxicole species are concentrated here.
Romania – R 3403
Natura 2000 – 6190 Rupicolous Pannonic Grasslands (Stipo-Festucetalia pallentis)
Palearctic 1999 – 34.35223 Pre-Dacic Pale Fescue Grasslands
Eunis E1.1133 Melica ciliata rock debris swards.
Emerald 34.3 Dense perennial grasslands and Middle European steppes
Phytotaxonomy Seselio gracile – Festucetum pallentis Coldea 1991
(coded in our releves tables as SF)
3. South-Eastern Carpathians Grasslands with Agrostis tenuis and Festuca rubra
Widespread habitat with a moderate conservative value which can be high in the Central Trascau Mountains when Trollius europaeus and Narcissus stellaris or both are abundantly present (as here are most of the cases)
Romania – R3803
Natura 2000 – 6510 Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis). Improper classification. Should be subjected to major revision.
Palearctic 1999 38.2323 Eastern Carpathian Yellow Oat Grass meadows
Eunis E1. 721 Nemoral Agrostis-Festuca grasslands
Emerald 37.2 Eutrophic humid grasslands.
Phytotaxonomy: Festuco rubrae-Agrostetum capillaris Horvat 1951
(coded in our releves tables as AFR and AF)
Phytotaxonomy Poetum pratensis Ravarut, Cazac et Turenschi 1956
Calcareous rocks and screes
4. South-Eastern Carpathian communities on calcareous rocks with Asplenium trichomanes quadrivalens and Poa nemoralis
Widespread but reduced ecotone habitat placed at the limit between the forest and the open rocks or screes or on the steep shaded rocky walls or screes placed right above the beech forests.
Romania – R6209
Natura 2000 –
Palearctic 1999 – 62. Inlands cliffs and exposed rocks
Eunis – H3 Inlands cliffs and exposed rocks habitats
Emerald – 6. Inland rocks, screes and sands
Corine – 62. Inlands cliffs and exposed rocks
Phytotaxonomy Asplenio quadrivalenti-Poetum nemoralis
Soo ex Gergely et al.1966
5. South- Eastern Carpathian communities from calcareous rocks fissures with Asplenium trichomanes and Asplenium ruta-muraria
Very frequent on steep calcareous slopes and boulders and also on primarily fixed screes
Natura 2000 – 8210 Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophitic vegetation
Palearctic 1999 – 62.153 Carpathian calcareous cliff heliophile communities
Eunis – H3.2 Basic and ultrabasic inland cliffs
Emerald -6. Inlands rocks, screes and sands
Corine 62. Inland cliffs and exposed rocks
Phytotaxonomy Asplenietum trichomano-rutae murariae Kuhn 1937 Tx. 1937
6. South-Eastern Carpathian Fraxinus ornus scrub
Regional endemic habitat of a high conservative value widespread in Cheile Tecsestilor, rare in Piatra Cetii. A “shibliak” regional and northernmost type of scrub.
Romania – R3126
Natura 2000 –
Palearctic 1999 31.8B Balkano-Hellenic deciduous thickets
Eunis F3.2431 Moesian Oriental Hornbeam thickets. Improper classification
Emerald 31.8B South-Eastern deciduous thickets
Corine 31.8B South-Eastern submediterranean deciduous thickets
Phytotaxonomy Corno-Fraxinetum orni Pop et Hodisan 1964
7. South-Eastern Carpathian scrubs with Spiraea ulmifolia
Regional sub-endemic habitat of a high conservative value. While it is the main kind of scrub encountered in the Apuseni Mountains on calcareous rocks with Spiraea ulmifolia as a dominant, in the particular case of Piatra Cetii massif in most cases the Black Rose Rosa spinosissima assumes the dominance while Spiraea is totally subordinated. Thing are completely reversed in the other calcareous massifs from the region.
Romania – R 3116
Natura 2000 – 40A0*. Sub-continental Peri-Pannonic scrub.
Palearctic 1999 – 31.8B 142. Carpathian Elm – Leaved Spiraea thickets.
Eunis F3.17 Corylus thickets. Improper classification.
Emerald 31.8B South-Eastern deciduous thickets.
Corine – 31.8B1 Cenntral European submediterranean deciduous thickets
Phytotaxonomy Calamagrosteto-Spireetum ulmifoliae Resemerita et Csuros 1966.
Coded in our releves tables as SU.
8. South-Eastern Carpathian thickets with Hazel Corylus avellana and Spiraea ulmifolia
Habitat of interference (ecotone) between the beech forests and Spiraea scrub from the calcareous rocks; hard to say if they are of a natural or a human nature – probably both. Scattered Ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior) and Mountain Maples (Acer pseudoplatanus) complete the landscape without making a forestry habitat.
Romania – R3117
Natura 2000 –
Palearctic 1999 – 31.8C4 Subcontinental Hazel thickets
Eunis F3.174 Subcontinental Hazel thickets
Emerald 31.8 Western Eurasian thickets
Corine 31.8C Hazel thickets
Phytotaxonomy Spiraeo-Coryletum Ujvarosi 1944.
Coded in our releves tables as CA.
9. South-Eastern Carpathian Beech Forests
Widespread and quite poor forestry habitat of a reduced conservative value due to the much continental climate (rain shadow effect) strongly implemented in the eastern Apuseni Mountains.
Romania – R4110
Natura 2000 – 9110 Luzulo-Fagetum Beech forests.
Palearctic 1999 41.1 D54. South Carpathian Festuca drymeja Beech forests.
Eunis G1. 6D54. South Carpathian Festuca drymeja Beech forests
Emerald 41.1 Beech forests.
Phytotaxonomy Festuco drymejeae – Fagetum Morariu et al. 1968
(coded in our releves as FAG).